Dear filmbuffs
WE all breath, talk, eat & walk CINEMA. And why not?? The flickering images
of celluloid with its glitter and gloss beckons us in the land of paradise. Even at the turn of 21st century, when the rapid spread of Satellite T.V and New Media technologies are continuously reinventing the concept of media, the charisma called Cinema still haunts us. We are constantly being bombarded with terms like globalization, digital movies, independent films etc and hopelessly finding ourselves more & more drawn towards the galaxy of stars, multiplexes, dvds, home theatres, net movies et al. Before we knew it, cinema has overshadowed us. And here I am talking about meaningful cinema not of the three-hour fiasco!!
Filmbuff intends to bring in the essence of global cinema back home. And its indeed a pleasure to present the inaugural issue of Filmbuff at the auspicious hour of 11th Kolkata Film Festival. Being a proud kolkattan, KFF seems to be the right moment to introduce the journal.
The response I have received from the contributors for the Inaugural issue is outstanding! Amonst them there are well known film directors, film critics & film festival directors, academicians from all over the world. The Contributors are mostly veterans, some of them have just begun their journey but with a bang! The Journal had the privilege to gather contributions not only from India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Pakistan but also from Europe and distant Mongolia.
Adoor Gopalakrishnan has received the long due Dadasaheb Phalke Award in this year. I wish him hearty congratulations on behalf on all filmbuffs.I wish to dedicate the Inaugural issue to this Great Master of Indian Cinema.
Finally, I would like to thank all the contributors to lend their precious time for the otherwise novice journal and that too in such a short notice. Filmbuff also likes to thank all who supported whole heartedly this very first venture. Especially, I would like to thank Shreemati Vijaya Mulay for her constant encouragement, vigour and inspiration.
Being the maiden venture and due to financial constraints, it may have some lapses but I am sure the readers are going to like the endeavour and continue to support filmbuff for years to come.